Learn what webbooks are and integrate thousands of systems with Bulk SMS

Imagine that you are going to open a systems with Bulk SMS clothing store, but you run into a very big problem: you cannot be in the store 24/7.

You are worried because you need to be aware of everything that is happening systems with Bulk SMS with without having to be present. So you come up with the idea of ​​hiring someone to take care of everything.

Two very different people arrive at the interview:

1. Mrs. API: She is very efficient, and whenever you ask her something, she answers Angola Mobile Phone Number List you in a timely manner. “Hey, how many people bought today?” And she will instantly answer you.

2. Mr. Webbook: He works in a very different way. As soon as someone makes a purchase, he automatically sends you a message telling you that you have a new sale. Here is more information about her.” And all this without you even asking. Who would you choose? I think after this the answer is pretty obvious.

At B2B Database we prefer webhooks, and here we will explain why.

Angola Mobile Phone Number List

How do webhooks work?

Imagine that at the door of your clothing store you have an extension cord that connects to a light bulb that reaches the living room of your house.

Every time someone enters your store, the light turns on. When you see it turn on from your home, you know that a person is entering. This means that a signal is sent from the door to the light in your home. Webhooks work in the same way.

In this case, the gateway could be any application or system in which some “event” occurs, for example a successful sale. A new prospect, a customer requesting help, an alarm going off, etc. And when that event occurs, a signal is sent.

And the focus would be on the receiver, which in this case is Angola Phone Number List Bulk SMS with its new Webhooks functionality, which, once the “event” occurs. Receives the information and sends an SMS automatically, either to you or to your client. In colloquial words, webhooks are “events” that send information about what happened to another system as soon as it occurs.

Imagine all the events that occur frequently in your different applications, such as your CRM, your website, your online store. Your course platform, and how useful it would be to be able to connect them. Bulk SMS so that every time one of those specific events occurs you can send an SMS message.

Let’s see how they work in a specific example in an online store:

Day 1: A prospect comes to you and fills out your form to subscribe to your customer base and receive a discount on their first purchase.

You already know how webhooks work, so you set one up that sends the customer an SMS with their discount code, ensuring that the phone number they gave you is correct.

Day 5: The prospect who already has the discount did not buy from you, so your store sends a webhook when 5 days have passed and there has been no purchase. With another SMS in which you remind them that they have a discount code.

Day 6: The prospect returns to purchase, but just as they finish entering. Their details and are about to enter their card, they get distracted and close your page.

Fortunately, you have a webhook set up that sends the customer an SMS to remind them that they left products in their cart and can return. To purchase them without starting from scratch.

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