Privacy Policy

B2B Database is committed to protecting the privacy of its clients and customers. We do not collect or disclose any of our WhatsApp, phone number or email data in an unauthorized or illegal way. All our data is collected from opt-in sources on a permission basis. We protect and safeguard your information no matter how you access the information from us. We also maintain and safeguard the information of the data that is collected from the target audience segment.

The data that we collect does not violate any legal issues or legal terms. Furthermore, it is important to note that we track the IP addresses of the potential clients and customers who purchase WhatsApp numbers, email addresses, and phone numbers from our B2B Database website. The IP addresses are collected in an authorized and legal manner. Furthermore, the IP addresses that we collect are kept highly confidential and private.

However, if any of the users breach or violate our terms and conditions, we use their data to take legal action. Then, we may share your information only as permitted by law when required or when we feel it is necessary. Then, your data is used to cater to your orders and respond to your queries. Your information will be kept with us to solve any queries or even disputes. Then, we also have the right to make amendments or changes in our privacy policy section. In any case, our website is updated on a regular basis and the privacy policy section is also regularly updated. 

We consider the privacy of our clients to be the top-most priority. We do not disclose the information of our clients until absolutely necessary. If any client feels that we have disclosed any confidential information, they can take actions against us. We also reserve the right to take legal actions against clients who breach our privacy policy. 

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