Terms and Conditions

Just like any other data-providing company, B2B Database also has its own set of terms and conditions that users need to follow. When you access the website, we assume that you have agreed to all our privacy policies and even the terms and conditions section. You should comply with our terms and policies because all rights are reserved on the website. Then, all information contained on our website is our very own intellectual property.

There are some basic terms and conditions of our website which you need to follow. For instance, you cannot take any information from our website and republish it or use it in any unauthorized manner. You cannot also copy any kinds of information from our website to make your own website or use the information from our website to make a new website. 

What redistribution of content on our website is not permitted?

Redistributing the content from our website is also not permitted, so make sure to agree to these terms and conditions before you make a purchase from our website or access the information. When you purchase the WhatsApp number data, phone number data, and even the email address data from our website, you agree to not sell this information to any third-party distributors or other affiliate organizations. According to our terms and conditions, there are some liabilities and preconditions when you access the information from our website. Hence, you must follow these terms and conditions or rules and regulations. 


In case anyone goes against our terms and conditions, we have the right to take legal action and file a lawsuit. We will also not be held responsible for any losses incurred after purchasing data from us. In case of any losses or damage, we will not be held liable according to the terms and policies. Furthermore, you must also note that all our information is kept confidential and is not disclosed until absolutely necessary.

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